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designer bags cyber mondayAdditionally, the replica flap has a different shape: the authentic one is sharper and more defined, indicating that counterfeit models attempt to mimic each detail as accurately as possible. You are right – counterfeit brands often struggle to copy fonts accurately, so paying close attention while observing texts is essential. When examining the leather piece at the bottom of the authentic zipper, you'll notice that it is super narrow, and its lettering is flawless in sizing, engraving, and coloring. In contrast, the authentic label is flawless, showcasing impeccable stitching, coloring, and lettering. YSL employs matelassé stitching, a French technique that replicates the charm of hand stitching. Get a Free Opinion on Your Item From fashion updates to tips & free authentications - let's connect in the LegitGrails Hub! Join Our Community The chain should have a curb-style design with flat-facing links. If you are looking for a bag that can be versatile for different outfits, carry your essentials, and more, and most importantly - is chic and will gain value over time, the YSL College bag is a perfect option. designer bags cyber monday

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