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    Disputed articles will be marked with the help of users and outside fact checkers amid widespread criticism that fake news influenced the US election Readers will be able to alert Facebook to possible fake news stories, which the social media behemoth will then send to outside fact-checking organizations to verify. If a story is deemed to fail the fact check, it will be publicly flagged as "disputed by 3rd party fact-checkers" whenever it appears on the social network. Users will be able to click on a link to understand why it's disputed. If a Facebook user then still want to share the story, they'll get another warning about its reliability. Disputed stories also may appear lower in the newsfeed, said Facebook. The fact-checking organizations will not be paid to provide this service. The fact-checking announcement is a turnaround from 12 November, just days after Donald Trump won the election, when Zuckerberg said of Facebook: "I believe we must be extremely cautious about becoming arbiters of truth ourselves." He welcomed Facebook's announcement. "It seems like a pretty good set of suggestions to me," he said. However, he's concerned that the system relies on Facebook users flagging stories as hoaxes. "They will get so many things false-flagged as fake news by people with an axe to grind, so it's going to make it more challenging to moderate. The role of Facebook in encouraging and spreading misinformation during the US election, including completely fictional news stories created as a moneymaking scheme by teenagers in Macedonia and inaccurate propaganda, saw the company be accused of abdicating its responsibility and helping the election of Donald Trump. Many fake news stories appear in the "trending" feed on Facebook, encouraging them to be read and shared, despite their inaccuracies. designer bags cyber monday

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