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designer bags cyber mondayEvery Amazon seller knows very well how important a positive review is to sales. Many sellers think that fake reviews are just fake negative reviews. Actually, fake reviews include negative reviews and good reviews. As long as it is not the evaluation of real shoppers, it is a fake review. The process of identifying fake negative reviews is very similar to that of fake positive reviews. The only difference is that the emotional language used in this case is negative. In many cases, these comments sound a bit exaggerated, which may be a strong signal that they might be faked. Another way to determine the authenticity of a review is to identify the buyer. Fake reviews are made by Non-Verified Purchase buyers. Or write a complaint directly to: (you must use the registered email address when you register your account) Make the following points clear when sending emails: Amazon won't reply to your email. At most, it replies that it has received your email. Amazon won't tell you what the outcome is. In general, Amazon will take action within 7-30 days. If the bad review has not been deleted within one month, it is estimated that the evidence provided is insufficient, or the evidence is retained. (Once Amazon receives more complaint about the reviewers, you will have a chance to delete the reviews later). designer bags cyber monday

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