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designer bags cyber mondayFake reviews boost search positions and ranking that can last four weeks, even after the deletion or detection. In general, fake reviews get removed after around 100 days, giving fraudsters enough time to make a decent profit. When it comes to inflated reviews, the economic benefits outweigh the risks and costs of being caught that serve as an incentive to fraudulent sellers. Also Read: E-commerce brands and their battle with fake online reviews Bots usually post online reviews rather than valid users. Therefore, it is important to recognize such users and do damage control accordingly. The primary intent is actually to stop the reviews from happening in the first place. Knowing what the problem areas are and acting fast is critical. Even the most basic fake review bot attack is created and executed within a few hours. Businesses can retaliate by making sure that fake users on review sites don't find their way to the company's site. Plus, customer acquisition security technology applications will ensure that the marketing efforts don't pivot towards malicious bots. There are 4 ways to find if a review is fake or not: The direct costs of fake online reviews refer to the immediate losses imposed on society by the bots and invalid users. To understand the impact of the issue, study both the financial and non-monetary effects. Understanding how fake online reviews impact different industries and markets and the level of risk they pose to a specific business can be more accurately assessed. And will bring clarity on how these have a domino effect on other businesses and revenues. Education can be the first step toward better protecting an online reputation. Negative reviews lead to a negative economic impact on businesses. And when malicious bots and invalid users create these fake reviews, it gets even more frustrating. An Australian plastic surgeon's business reportedly dropped by 23% after posting a fake review in one such case. By protecting brand reputations through the filtering of fake reviews, companies can protect their revenues. Sometimes it's okay when unhappy customers tend to give their 2 cents by posting constructive criticism. But when invalid users are taking over your review platforms, eliminating fake reviews should be a priority. Ready to combat fake reviews for your eCommerce brand? Reach out to us at Datahut to learn how. Related Reading: designer bags cyber monday

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